follow up or some such nonsense...

Winter 2013/
It has been said, by more than myself, that this winter is knocking the stuffing out of us...
And it is,
But it also has it's beauty, and as it drags on and on, I am choosing to find this beauty anywhere I can get it. This winter of all winters, I have decided that I really hate the indoor trainer. Full stop. In years past, I have been able to happily churn out the miles while watching something or another on the tube, or by joining friends for group sweatfests...but this year is different. Do I still spin? Yes. Do I do it as much? No. Do I enjoy it? Barely. Soooo...I have decided, that running, outdoor riding, snowshoeing, and skiing are where it's at this year.
Back to the "beauty" really is amazing out in the woods these days with the incredible amount of snow and ice - true winter some say. The beauty is that I am really loving running again. So, I'll go with it...setting my sights on a few spring races just to see how much...I blame, or is that thank, a friend at work for this new motivation...
The other "beauty" about this winter has been the Olympics. People have mixed feelings about the Games, and I can see both sides,but I also cannot deny the incredible talent we have here in our country, and the need for us to get behind our athletes, and support them in their pursuits, regardless of how we feel politically about the places the events are stationed.

I rarely, if ever, talk about my time in Barcelona, but every couple years, when the Olympics, summer or winter,roll in to town (or TV set), I become a melty pot of weeping Patriotic goo as I recall the pride and emotion that goes along with being a part of representing your country on the Olympic stage. For me to deny supporting athletes that have dreamed about that moment for all of their athletic lives would be a shame. It is an incredible moment in time.

Most Games come rife with Sociopolitical upheaval. At least that we, in other parts of the World, finally become aware of. I recall riding through the woods in the mountains around our venue, and finding soldiers with machine guns drawn hiding in make-shift, leaf covered dug outs, simply "keeping guard" of the perimeter of the area. My friends who were in Seoul recall handing their Canadian uniforms to another nation's team, just so that team could go into town for some sight seeing without being shot at...
When the Olympics come to town, all of a sudden, the World's eyes are on the host nation, and we see, where we may have turned a blind eye before, all the dirty under garments that hang on the lines of said nation. Some folks , those that keep a finger on all of the ills in the world, may have been aware of the many issues and violations surrounding this year's host nation, but I would be willing to wager that 90% of our population was unaware to the depth of the problems. To the severity of the actions of the Governments involved, and to the violations carried out, not only on behalf of hosting the games, but more importantly, as simply day to day business. This is what the Olympics bring to the table - suddenly issues that we may never have felt a hair of a care for, are issues that we are hearing about, feeling something about, and, oh my god, doing something about.
Yes, I agree that the Olympics have become a money machine. Many violations occur simply as a byproduct of their execution. And so the World now gets a glimpse and a clue....
It's what we choose to do with our new eyes that counts. Time will tell...I can only hope for the best, but at least now, I see a little deeper, and have the ability to respond.

I will now say with pride, Go Canada Go!!! To all the athletes that have trained so hard, and put all that they are, into these past years of preparation, past couple of weeks of competition,, and continuing on in to this weekend - you are Amazing and hold my highest admiration and support - keep on killing it out there!!!!

And now I'm going for a run...

Oh...and here's a cute picture of my dog...
Cuz why not...
