hello hello hello...is there anybody out there? just nod if you can hear me...

Once again a lapse in the time-space continuum ...
But I'm back, and once again, may have to resort to bullet points until I get caught up. But first - please bear with me while I take a wee trip down memory lane.

The year was 1999 - early winter - I had moved back to Canada from Austin, Tx after many years in the sun, and had left behind my trusty running companion Mady; a black and white border collie; she was a Southern Belle through and through, and needed to stay in the Texas sun...
I found myself longing for a new running buddy, and started putting feelers out for dogs in need of new homes. My mother it seems, was also looking for a new friend to add to her herd, so between us, there were a lot of visits to local shelters and pounds, searching for the right fit. Then one day, my mother was reading the local paper when this happened...

He instantly became a part of the family, no questions asked. Haggis "Duffy" MacDuff quickly became every one's favorite - sweet, devoted, always happy, and so ready to go for a run.
During the same year, I decided it was high time that I attempt my first full marathon - somehow the running bug had bit hard, and Duffy only made it bite harder as he was so keen to help me with my training. I self- trained for this one, and had no idea what I was doing, but managed to get the miles under my belt, so there I was, toeing the line of the Toronto Marathon, that chilly fall day. I ran, and ran, and walked and ran, and cried, and moaned all the way toward the finish line. When, somewhere along the Bayview Extension, I hit the wall HARD. I guess this was the famous 'wall' I had been warned about - anyone who has seen "Run Fat Boy Run" will know how I felt at this exact moment. It was at that moment, through my extreme fatigue, and inability to fathom taking another step, that Duffs happy face popped into my head - sappy , I know, but the site of his fuzzy, smiling mug was just the push I needed to keep heading on.. I knew he would be ready to run tomorrow, so I had to press on today. His eyes made me laugh a little, and shed a tear or two, or maybe I cried all the way to the finish, I'm not sure, but the point is...I got there - and with Duffy's help.
Since that first race, I have gone on to finish 10 marathons, many bike marathons, 8hr. and 24hr solo bike races, multi-day adventure races, and each and every time I find myself wanting to camp out in the Pain Cave, with my feet up , cracking a cold beer, or maybe just lying fetal and sucking my thumb, in comes Duffy's face - and it pulls me back out and into the game. Those of you who know me know that I have 3 dogs - and I love them all with all of my being, but it's Duffy's face that seems to always pull me out of the pain - guess it's in the eyes...he's got the look.
I still see his eyes, and his happy fuzzy head around every corner as I walk around the property, or pop into Mum's house, but sadly, he is no longer there. Something happened a couple Fridays ago, and I guess it was his time. He became very ill, and was clearly in a lot of pain. We nursed him through the night, and got him to the vet first thing in the morning, but it was deemed that there was nothing we could do. I still don't know what happened, or why so suddenly. We lost a very dear friend that day, but his smile stays with me, and I'll be bringing it along on every ride and run, as a reminder to get off my ass, pull out my finger, and head for home. Thanks Duff - we will miss you.

*ahem...sniff*...thanks for allowing me that little diversion...
So, onto the goings on and on goings and all the stuff that makes life oh so very exciting over here...

Kevin came back from Germany with a different type of Handicap for this year's Humber Valley Hellrunner Thomass Race

Groundhog Day happened...and so I made this for a local Chiro. office...TOD sure knows how to treat his peeps ;)

Skye and I doing recon in Dufferin on the snowshoes...

  • winter is still here...I am spinning an awful lot...note the use of awful - as spinning is for the birds, but I know it's good for me...
  • I have been partaking in the ladies nights at Joyride for the past month or so, and have been totally loving it - no broken ribs this year, and I can finally see air under my wheels when I want to, and not when I don't...
  • I was sad to miss the Ladies extravaganza at Joyride due to circumstances laid out above...
  • business is creeping along...slowly...I am in need of generating a buzz
  • I have been skiing and boarding a lot this year - last year was the winter of pain with broken ribs, and then the race in Ecuador, so I maybe hit the slopes 3 times - this year it's on and I love it!
  • this weekend brings the annual Salomon Snowshoe Raid up at Horseshoe on Saturday - am teaming up with Leanimal again in the hopes of defending our title;then I will head to Port Colborne on Sunday for my first MTB race of the year!!! The Frostbike....sooooooo excited ;) Gonna be a slog of a weekend...
  • we are gearing up for an Easter trip to South Carolina for a week of fun riding in the sun (fingers crossed), as well I am trying to plan a trip to AZ to visit CJ one of these weekends...I have airmiles enough for one big trip this year, and I am still waiting, until Feb. 28th, to see if I need to use it for Leadville 100, Canmore 24 hr., or Whistler Xterra, so we'll see if I can pull off AZ as well -- if I could only win the lottery ;) or a Sugar Daddy...
  • today is Valentine's Day, and while I have been trying desperately to give up sugar, it seems the best time of year to wallow in self pity and eat a sh$t load of chocolate - so have at it...just make it dark and organic, and then it doesn't count right???
Happy Valentine's Day to all you Lovers! xxxxxooooo

All beings tremble before violence. All fear death, all love life. See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do?


A. Webster said…
Hugs to you Sarah. Sorry to hear about Duffy :( What an adorable looking dog he was.
sarahc, RHN said…
Thanks Ang! He was for sure a cutie :)
Unknown said…
Duffy... :( so beautifully written Sarah
BarbC said…
We'll miss Duffy too. Such a good-natured, friendly, loving, furry guy! :(