Sunshine and Rainbows....again...damn fairies...

Quite literally - this is the most amazing November in a looooong time. There must be a weather shield over my area , because it really doesn't get a lot better in terms of climate, trail conditions, and all round enjoyability of forest pursuits. Trailbuilders have been out in full force doing a lot of maintenance and reroutes of the singletrack - we will be in again this coming weekend to do more work on the main trails; fingers crossed that my weather bubble remains intact....20cm by the end of the week?? Really?? Bah humbug...not here!
And on that building inspection today - dunno why I'm nervous...somebody hand me a Mai Tai....or...


Calming Breakfast Lentil Soup - Red Lentil, Quinoa, Summer Squash

This soup is tonic to the Heart and Pericardium (heart protector). It harmonizes digestion, strengthens Stomach and Spleen. Clears summer heat, sending rebellious chi downwards. Quenches thirst. Sedative, relieves restlessness. Aids Liver and Kidney. Blood and chi circulation increased. Yin tonic

Chop 1 yellow onion and sautéed in oil in bottom of pan


7 cups water

1⁄2 cup red lentils (bring to boil and skim off foam)

Then add:

1/4 cup organic quinoa

2 ribs celery chopped – sliced into bite-sized pieces

1/2 cup shelled fresh ginko nuts

1/8 cup pine nuts

10 black olives pitted

2 cups summer squash cut into pieces

Simmer ½ hour. Add: 2 Tbsp olive oil and ½ tsp natural sea salt.

Serve with fresh basil leaves, chopped.

later sk8ers......
