Black Garlic - My Ingredient du jour...da bomb....

I am having a love affair with this ingredient lately - put in everything....

Good for not just taste, but get a load of the following...

Infection Protection

White garlic contains anti-microbial, antibiotic and anti-fungal agents in its active ingredient, allicin. In black garlic, S-allylcysteine assists with the absorption of allicin, helping it metabolize more easily which could offer boosted protection against infections.

Disease Protection

Garlic is also high in antioxidants. Black garlic has been found to have twice the antioxidant properties of conventional garlic. Antioxidants protect the cells from disease and are thought to slow down the aging process, according to Because black garlic is so potent, the heightened levels of antioxidants offering protection from free radical damage make it an ideal food for thwarting chronic disease. Free radicals damage cells leading to heart disease, Alzheimer's, circulatory problems, rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic diseases.

Other Characteristics

The fermentation that produces black garlic reduces the pungent odor and strong flavor, making it more palatable and appealing to some people. The taste of black garlic has been compared to that of a dried fruit, smoky, sweet and slightly chewy, according to the Conventional garlic, even in freeze-dried capsules, emits a strong garlic odor that permeates the skin, causing objectionable body and breath odor in people using garlic as a health supplement, explains Black garlic has none of the strong odor of white garlic and can be consumed in large quantities without the olfactory effects.
