Winning at Losing...

well, I guess I win the prise for 'most infrequent poster'...shit happens and it seems things such as blogging get shuffled to the bottom of the pile - so I'll sum it up for you:

* had a great time at Joyride 150 just before Xmas - got a little cocky after several turns in the pump tracks and entered too quickly into the 2nd one, hence exploding my front wheel, sending Stan's everywhere, and sending my rib cage slamming down to envelop my saddle - couple broken ribs and one bruised torso - Merry f*&%ing Christmas...but the place really is awesome, and so much fun, so as soon as I am all better, I am back there with a vengeance!!

*Fun Christmas with the family despite my inability to sit, lay down, breathe, laugh, cough or sneeze - still always a festive occasion. Sadly, I was to travel to Canmore for New Years and some boarding/skiing, but I had to cancel the flight due to the aforementioned experience at joyride...bah humbug...

*had New Years at R&M's and it was a blast - good pix to tell the tale as well...oh Mr. Chris...;)

*Robbie Burns day is only 6 days away, as is my nieces bday

*I am now healing well, carefully, and getting really excited after making the decision to continue on to Ecuador in a few weeks. My ribs feel OK, and will be more OK by the time the race begins, so I am starting to train harder, and build back up. I lost a little, but it will return, I am sure. Managed to run an O race this past Sunday, and it felt OK. Sooooooo stoked for this one!

*I have been contemplating next season alot - I am for sure in for the 24 solos, thinking about Ocups (oh ya...had a BIG birthday, and now have a new age group - woo hoo.) and of course Xterras - as many as is feasable starting with Louisiana in April maybe?

*I am also toying with the Scottish Mountain marathon in June, and the 7day cycling trip across the Highlands in August - details, details.

*and last but not least, I may take a month off of work to get to the Canmore and Whistler Xterras in August/Sept.

Can I make it all work??? Can I afford any of it?? Stay tuned....
