Just over a month to go..!

I guess you could say I am once again all consumed with preparations...fear, trepidation, excitement,and constant what-ifs that go along with a second attempt at something you only thought you might do once in your life if the stars aligned correctly...the above video is a nice snap shot of some of the things the Tour Divide will offer, but it also misses a lot of the real dirt - literally and metaphorically...It was not too long ago for me to remember what I am signing up for, and I am excited for sure, but I do also have a healthy dose of nervousness. What if I don't get there a second time around? I can tell you that in the last almost two years, not a day has gone by where I haven't thought about this race and what went wrong, and the need to finish it finally. It's a pretty big, hairy monkey on my back, and it's time he hopped off...
So, on we go, once again into the great beyond on a bike.
I hope you'll follow me on this journey...right down to the god-damned border damnit...


Kate Geisen said…
So excited to follow along with you!