So, I have done a pretty piss-poor job of reporting on my Tour Divide experience. It will all come out eventually - at least by the time next year's start arrives and I can try again...
It seems I rarely got a chance to pull out a camera and snapped shots along the route, but there are a couple I can dump here with a brief description of what may have been happening at the time.
I managed to score extra space in a hotel room one night - a blessing to have a break from the cold and wet, but other nights I was pitched out in my bivy snoring away to the sound of rain fall. I am glad in the end that I went with a 15 deg. F rated sleeping bag! Thought it was overkill, but for several nights, it was definitely needed.
I tried to pull out my snow riding skillz on these trails, but a steep descent and very slushy trail made it pretty impossible. As we got closer to the bottom of each pass, the run-off rivers got bigger and bigger - many, many water crossings - some I fell in, some I made it through - word to those who attempt this next year - come prepared to be wet!! Luckily though, the temps. during the day were pretty tolerable, so I stayed pretty toasty as long as I was moving - and the fear of bear encounters kept me warm too ;) I did almost broadside a large black bear as we were both zipping along intersecting trails unaware of each other until the last second - whew! I don't know who was more freaked out, he or I....gorgeous though...
These last few shots were heading towards Lima, MT on what would prove my last day on the Tour. It was awesome to be riding across the ranch lands with the sage, the mountains, the vast expanse, and the unending trail. So amazing - lots of bald eagles here - lots of time to reflect. I got in close to 150 miles this day before calling it off to go remedy the glitch that would inevitably be my demise. For anyone who has not heard my plight by now, the call ins can be heard on MTB - I won't rehash the issue here.
And this...
Plus a lot of moping, like this....
Until I was finally ready to get back in the saddle...
A vague post of an epic Tour - but truly even though my journey was only 11 days instead of 23, they were 11 incredibly life changing days, and I will be back to get it done next year...absolutely next year - I am ready now...