(Yet again, a lapse)
Quick note to the www - things are rolling along here in the woods - after a mostly relaxing October of casual cycling, lots of running (due to major nerve disorder in my arms/hands), a bunch of indulging and imbibing, and a lot of playing in the kitchen with the tail ends of my garden harvest, November has started with a bang...despite said arm issue, training has picked back up as I get ready for the 24 Hrs of Old Pueblo in Feb. - this means, yes, I gotta say it, I have hit the trainer a couple times already :(((( I know, I know...it's only Nov. WTF, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, and my inability to hold handlebars properly has meant hours on a stationary bike...ick. Sigh...but in truth, sometimes I kinda like it.
In continued efforts to gain health, loose inflammation, and shed the Oct. paunch, today I begin the 7 Day Raw challenge - yup, going raw vegan for the next week. No biggie - just a lot of fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, seeds, and not a heck of a lot else. I'll keep ya posted on the results, but I'm kinda stoked to see how it feels. Been kinda curious about the whole raw deal since I began my RHN schooling, after meeting several raw foodists, and culinarily, this way of eating baffles me, so I figure as a good chef and health cheerleader, it's time to eat my own words. So, here we go...breakfast today = 4 oranges juiced and blended with 1/2 banana, and 1/2 c. strawberries. Lunch = 2 tomatoes made into raw soup with raw cider vinegar and herbs. Dinner = almond pate lettuce wraps with macademia nut creem....hmmmm....report tomorrow.....