One Crazy Ride

That about sums up this past weekend's fun and games in the Dufferin forest. The stage was set for the 2nd annual Homage to Ice put on by Substance Projects - a 25 or 50K enduro through the trails, over whatever conditions nature would throw our way.
As is par for the course with early season racing in Southern Ontario, Mother Nature had her own designs on how things would go down with this one. Late season snow, rain, some thaw and some cold temperatures meant that the forest was still full of snow and ice - tough going for an XC race, but Dan prevailed, and pulled together a great course of about 18Km of double and singletrack that challenged even the ultra-seasoned riders eager to show off their early season fitness. The 25K group set out first to do 1 lap, and then the 50K group set out or 2 laps. In all honesty, I didn't think I was up for this one. I woke up Sunday AM, checked whatever blogs and posts I could find that might give me a hint as to what the ride would be like. A quick scope of showed me some pix of ice covered double track - and no studs allowed...yikes. I waffled, and hemmed and hawed, and finally, we loaded up the car and headed north. Arriving at the site, I was sure I was not going to race. "Let's just check out the course, and then I'll decide" I say, so we checked in, and then hiked it up the first climb out. I could hardly walk in the slush and ice let alone fathom riding it, for 50KM.

What the heck - how could this race go on?? Feeling disheartened, we turned around, fairly certain we would call it off. Heading back to the car, I watched as other dedicated riders geared up for the challenge. It was 20 mins. to start, and I finally broke down - I had to try. Took the bike off the car, and in a flurry of fur and feathers, had changed my clothes, and geared up myself. Arriving at the start line, I saw lots of smiling familiar faces, and knew that whatever happened, I had made a good call.

The gun went off, and so did we all, in what I can only describe as something resembling a military flotilla heading off to battle across the wide open ocean - meaning, there was a lot of water, and a lot of wake, splashing, whooting and hollering. I rode hard and ran more, for a couple hours solid - no letting up, barely taking the time to refuel except for when I would pause to empty my booties of the constant accumulation of slush and snow. Turns out, the race was a blast! A slog for sure, but when in Rome, as they say. A race is a race, and you race the conditions; it can't always be sunshine and roses, and this was a good example of how adaptable we need to be, and how we can work our minds around all conditions if we choose to not get pissed off about imperfections. A big thanks to Dan and the crew for pulling off a great race in imperfect conditions, making it happen, and making sure we all had a great time - cant wait for Victoria's 100! Here's to 2011 and a new season of too much fun on 2 wheels - BRING IT!!!!!!!


A. Webster said…
Awesome write up as usual Sarah! Makes me almost wish that I had shown up for the Homage. Almost ;)