Caledon Hills Coffee Co.

Feeling a lack of creativity lately - so I will continue to post the works of others until the block is broken down...just cause I find it funny - thank's Rick ...

I have been working on a lot of new energy bar recipes, which I will share as they are tested (Homage to Ice this weekend may be a good testing ground...or should I say Homage to slush? Not sure...) Anyhoo, there will be more at a later date -

I am also working hard consulting on a new cafe opening April 18th in Caledon East - all cyclists, keep your eyes peeled to the North of the rail trail on the West side of the road as you cross Airport - it will be called the Caledon Hills Coffee Company, and if you stop by the Walk Run Ride Shop in Bolton before your ride, you can pick up a coupon, then cycle on by for a cuppa joe, a panini, or a sweet treat! It's gonna be a great little spot!!


Happy walker said…
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Anonymous said…
that seems rather close to the tea place....any connection?
sarahc, RHN said…
no connection - just down the street where Marvelous Munchies was - beside Howards...