Look what the cat dragged in...

Somehow, someway, things have a way of materializing in fashions you had never designed. I am a dog person...not a cat person. Well, not a cat person that I will admit to being...or not being...or whatever the case may be.

But then, all of a sudden, this happened...
How on earth did the corner of my abode's lower floor become adorned with the Taj Mahal of litter boxes, complete with Hepa filter???? WTF??? Was I asleep when this happened, and maybe it's just a bad dream??

Not only was there a litter box, there was this...in my house...WHAT?????

And now the dog and I are equally confused. There is a lot of this going on - I call it the kitty stink-eye...
Note the look on the dog's face - whatever you do, don't make eye contact, and maybe it will go away...

Well, we tried that - for 3 weeks - and the cat is still here. Story goes like this - 14 years ago, Flea (after the Red Hot Chili's bassist...) arrived at the doorstep. I was living at home at the time - she was cute, cold, skinny and alone...she became a permanent fixture. Flash forward; mum adopts a couple of unruly dogs this summer; they attempt to kill said Flea...I feel a soft spot warming in my heart, turn a blind eye, and suddenly, the cat has moved into MY home. Whaaatt??? I haven't slept in 3 weeks...she is elated, and won't let me forget it. Can I get a bark collar that works on cats????? I am very tired, exhausted, but she is kinda cute. Wait...you didn't hear that here.

So, being exhausted, naturally I was craving something sweet to nosh on (it's a curse) and I stumbled upon these while at the local healthy shop today -

These are the new Sequel Savi Seeds - and man, they kick a$$! They are coated Sacha Inchi seeds - a peruvian super seed that has the highest source of Omega 3 of anything on earth!! They are 13% more abundant in this essential fatty acid, once per ounce, than wild salmon - and this fact alone is amazing cuz I really am not a salmon fan. Sometimes I choke it down cuz they say t's good for me, but really, it's not fun for my tummy. These little seeds are also a complete protein. You can get them in little packs of Karmalized or Cocoa Kissed (my fav.- get a wee dose of healthy dark chocolate while yer at it!) and are a fine choice for when emergency requires a fix. Keep in mind that they are still sugar-full - with organic cane sugar - much less sugar than what you find in say, the Chocolate Mint Smoothies I picked up in Stratford the other day, but that's another story ;) - but really...not too shabby!

Also not too shabby are the new team kits for this year - took the bibs, with endurance chamois, and the jersey, out for a spin and they worked swell. Looking forward to sporting these this summer - note the excellent care I have vowed to take of my gear this year - hand washing and hanging to dry - not gonna trash these ones :)

Bike repair continues to pile up, and be an ongoing project, and avoidance. If you look closely, you will see four bikes in the photo below, all in various states of repair, or disrepair. They have taken over the kitchen...Spring is on us so I better get cracking!!

I did have the Soma SS up and running this past weekend for a couple good long hauls around the Caledon Hills though - cold, drizzly, but awesome. Ended up in Belfountain at The Shed for a quick refuel and toe warming -

Very cool place - wicked soy mocha - didn't want to leave, but the Forks of the Credit were calling - and when duty calls...

Tomorrow, I WILL get to those bikes. Ah, wait...it's St. Pat's day...maybe Friday ;)

Cheers everyone!


Flynn Hoadley said…
I must say that this one is the result of great creativity. Also useful, plus cost is also less for this.

All the best,

Flynn Hoadley
Example Here