Happy Mardi Gras to one and all, and Happy Pancake Tuesday!
I have very fond memories of New Orleans, and some not so happy memories from Hurricane Katrina as well - my last trip down was just post-disaster, and the images are hard to erase - an incredible tragedy for sure, and a really long road back, but they will be back!! I hope you are all having a little party in honor of this day? I am a firm believer in pancakes, so a whole day devoted to them suits me just fine - I can give them up tomorrow, and I'm not even religious ;)
So, with that in mind, I spent this morning's run/dog recovery mission (she had high-tailed it into the woods to nosh on some dead thing in the bushes...ick) planning my cakes for breakfast. This is what I came up with - not bad, but tonight I will kick it up a notch with some savory veggie cakes of some sort...maybe crepes?? Until then - here is the first installment ...

Fat Tuesday's Kick Off Cakes with Hemp Protein and Chia (2011)
1 cup buckwheat
2 Tb hemp protein
1 Tb chia seed
1 Tb coconut sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
pinch of sea salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1 egg
1 cup coconut milk
Mixed all quickly, and cooked in small silverdollar size, in a bit of coconut oil 'till yummy ;P
Served with a little apple butter on top - pretty tasty!!
To keep the day rolling, I am heading into the kitchen now to jump into a huge vat of Sausage and Chicken Jambalaya for some customers...mmmm...too bad I'm a Veg.!
(and here is a sneak peak of the latest project...will it be ready for August?? Hmmmmm...) (can you hear the angels singing???;)
