So I came to a realization today...I am getting older. Ok, Ok, I know what you're saying, but it's true - as unbelievable as it may seem cuz I appear no more than 23 (har har) but my muscles are just not bouncing back like they used to. Gone are the days where I could bust out several hours a day; day after day; no sleep; a quantity of booze; bad diet, and still feel ready for another round. Well, no more. It is now more important than ever that I pay attention to post exertion recovery fueling than ever - case in point...I had a great run on the Hockley loop on Saturday - felt wicked all throughout - 2 hrs. 20 mins of good hills and a pretty good pace. Finished feeling peppy, but then did absolutely nothing to feed my tired body. Let myself get a chill; hung out a bit, had lunch of soup and wine...then hiking with the dog, quick ride on the SS, then dinner and a little more wine ( WAS a Saturday ;) Went to bed eventually, and woke up feeling like I had run a full marathon - WTF??????
I know what you're thinking now..."but Sarah, You are a Nutritionist; you should know better"...and you're absolutely right. So, from now on, I pledge to pay attention. Attention to my feul/recovery needs. I will be a much happier person if I do so.
So there fore....a recipe....
Cherry and Blackberry Smoothie
(This complete meal in a blender provides carbohydrate, antioxidants and protein. The cherries and cherry juice have anti-inflammatory effects that have been shown to reduce muscle soreness following exercise.)
1 1/3 cup frozen sweet dark cherries
2/3 cup frozen blackberries
1 cup tart cherry juice
1/2 cup Kefir
1/2 cup almond milk
1/2 tablespoon ground flaxseeds
1/2 Tb. chia seed
1 tsp. maca powder
Combine all ingredients in a blender container and puree until smooth.