We entered Map four after a 2 Km Mud run and set out to pick up controls 15-20. At this point we were feeling the effects of the long race, but put our heads down, and kept a good pace up regardless. We hit all controls fairly smoothly and without incident ( as far as I can recollect?) and were fueled by the dream off a not-too-far-off finish line, dry, warm clothes, and a hot meal. We were happy to be seeing some top teams with us in the woods, and knew we were doing well, even with the hitch earlier in the race - seems most teams got Bullseyed too...
I think after CP 20, when we returned along the mud run path towards home, I started to get excited that the end was near. I had run out of fluid and fuel, but could care less as we hit the last aid station, and a quick 1KM paved sprint to the finish - if any of us felt pain at this point, it was masked by overwhelming joy to see the Salomon finish flags, and we charged hard through the line - Finally, after 5:45 Hrs., we were finished!! Woot woot!
2nd place; almost caught 1st after pulling up from 20 mins. behind, narrowing the gap to 6 mins....soooo close. (If only I hadn't stopped to make that phone call...;)
Job well done; Bash and Hingo are superstars; well- Raided team!!!
Drove home with a much needed stop for a Chai Latte; got in the door, looked at my poor eyeball, and passed out. What a day...
