There is no avoiding the inevitable; one must embrace the cold.
So, with that in mind, I have been paying my daily dues by hitting the singletrack running, with my snowshoes on, dog in tow, doing my best to keep the route open so that in approx. 1 week's time, we will be riding again...for real.
I have 2/3 of Salty Steven on the verge of rideable; the Red Dog needs more help - I need to enlist bigger people, with bigger shoes, and bigger dogs. (even with snowboots on, their tracks are only so big...and they have a very hard time focusing on staying on trail...sheesh...)

About halfway through, it connects to the housing development south of me, and people are doing their duty for the last half of the section - yay! Then into the Final Chapter, again, the first half needs help, but the second half is coming along nicely! Please, anyone, if you feel so inclined, get in there and run around - we will be riding by January!!!!
Other cold weather pursuits are also booming - skiing a tonne, and it is beautiful. Both XC and Alpine - when in Rome. I am heading to Blue this aft. to play on the slopes and check out the Christmas fiesta in the village - may inspire me to actually start my Christmas shopping...:)
I cannot believe, as most will agree, that Christmas is already here...where is my spirit?? A couple weeks ago I was still riding trail, but now it's all indoor spin monotony and feeling like a hamster on a wheel. Actually, truth be told, the spinning is not so bad. I have been mixing up my home spins with trips to Walk, Run, Ride in Bolton to join the group for some fun sufferfests. We are going to start the CTS 8 wk. program in Jan., but for now we are just seeing how many puddles we can form, and testing to see who will puke first.
I borrowed this beauty from a friend for awhile, to test the big wheels..love love love...

I am trying, constantly trying, to get myself healthy, and winter is always a good time to ponder the merits of superfoods, and to diligently focus on one's immune system. Yah...food geeks ;)
There was a wee blip in there where I decided it would be fun to deep fry a large bird or two...yum, but sooooo much oil...

With that in mind, I have some good info. I have been trying to rely less and less on supplements in the pill form, and focus on getting my nutrition from real food - what a concept...and to that end, I thought I'd highlight some of my favorites. With Christmas stress, and indulgences, and cold weather, and less sunlight, we seem to get sick, often, and depressed, and grumpy, and ragey, and imbalanced, and angsty, and....OK, you get the picture - but if we took the time to eat nutritiously and completely, we would have a much easier time maintaining a balanced blood sugar level, mood level, energy level, immune function, healthy digestion, and the good 'ole gut flora would blossom - yippie...who wouldn't want that???
So, here are some of my favorites - go get 'em, eat 'em, and get ready to rock...
Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah ;)
- related to chards, rhubarb, spinach, beets and amaranth - I spent a spell being sensitive to this grain, but after elimination and reintroduction, I am in love. Eaten in moderation, this can be a very cool protein source, and tasty comfort food for those really cutting back on grains - considered a 'pseudo-seed'
- one of the few plant based foods to include all essential amino acids, plus an awesome amount of fibre, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron (I am always low in iron...)
- while most boxed quinoa is rinsed already, give it a good soak to be sure of the washing away of any clinging saponins, the plants natural pesticide, and cook well to lessen oxalic acids that may be mildly toxic to some... hence the sensitivity....
- a groovy tuber that is so chok full of fibre - fantastic
- can be made into a great milk replacer for vegans or lactose intolerant folks...read: Horchata
- makes wicked cookies, as a sub for flour, due to it's fibre and nice sweet flavour
- said fibre also helps to curb appetite when mixed into foods - like your morning applesauce, or soups and stews...
- solid protein level, iron, essential fats and carbohydrates, not to mention, good 'ol potassium and phosphorus
Fish Oil
- do I really need to emphasise??
- EPA and DHA - your principal essential fatty acids, forming every fibre of your being...;)
- helps balance a heavy meat diet by injecting the 'good' fats
- VERY anti-inflammatory; staves off Alzheimers, ADD, depression, heart disease...
- take throughout the day, with food, keep cool, and beware of the source of the oil - go for a good one, read the label...
Chia Seed
- exceptionally high in protein, fibre, EFA's, and antioxidents
- I eat them raw, soaked, in puddings, use in baking (GF baking especially as it is a wicked egg replacer)
- anti inflammatory and metabolism boosting (win win!!)
- after reading 'Born to Run", why wouldn't I eat these daily?? Such a superfood :)
Nutritional/Brewer's Yeast:
- excellent source of protein - often used abundantly among the veggie crowd. Considered a complete protein containing 18 amino acids, it also contains a variety of minerals such as chromium and important nutrient for maintaining balanced blood sugar levels.
- rich in B vitamins - important guys for our energy production – they help in the metabolism of protein, fats, and carbs, meaning we can better use the fuel from our food, manage stress and keep our complexions radiant...
- a bonus for vegetarians /vegans since many varieties are fortified with vitamin B12 (a nutrient only found on foods with faces).
- beneficial for those dealing with diabetes and blood sugar issues in general - think rage and angst...or low energy levels...This is because it contains chromium, a trace mineral which is important in managing blood sugar levels.
- Other benefits: Maintains healthy bacteria balance in the gut which is important for immune health; Improves blood production, which is great for peeps who are anemic; Helps maintain optimal cholesterol levels; Improves liver health and function.
- 20 times more protein than soybeans!
- GLA, arachidonic acids, B12, iron, essential amino acids, and antioxidants, oh my!!
- boosts immunity, easily digested, alkalizing, cholesterol reducing, mineral boosting, blood sugar stabilizing - holey smokes, does it get any better than this?
- put it in smoothies, stir in soup, chug with water, sprinkle on salad - just eat it....
- a lipid needed by every living cell in your body
- energy promoting and damage repairing (athletes take note...)
- enables removal of fats from your system through emulsion
- get it in granules, or in brewers yeast, legumes, fish...
- mix it in your smoothies and everything will taste like milk chocolate :)
Bee Pollen/Raw Honey
- nature's perfect food - 'nuff said
- promotes energy and healing - a natural antiseptic
- full of minerals, B vitamins, Vit C, D, and E
- the pollen has EFA's, enzymes, lots of minerals and is antimicrobial
- combats fatigue, depression, cancer and allergies - totally immune boosting
- by from your local source to increase the antiallergenic properties...

Next up: stay tuned for thoughts on other superfoods I include in my daily diet (and you should too) !
- Beet Juice
- Grapefruits/Quercitin
- Coconut Oil
- Cinnamon, Tumeric, Ginger, Garlic, Onions, Cayenne
- Kefir
- Kombucha
- see previous blog post on Kombucha - cultures still available!!
and of course, eating the rainbow...well not literally because only Leprechauns can get close enough, but ya know what I mean right??...