I am tired, sore, sunburned, sleepy, and have lost an entire day and a half to travel, but I am pretty stoked - improved on my time from last year by 6 mins. and jumped up a spot to 9th in a stacked field. Not too shabby me thinks...
Heading into last week, I still did not have a flight booked, and I am sure no one believed I was actually heading to maui -- the past month of work had been insane - INSANE - as you've heard me mention before. I was exhausted, and delirious, but figured I had qualified for Worlds, so it would be a real dis to pass up the opportunity to go compete, regardless.
So, I went. Got to Maui on Thursday Pm; was picked up by CJ and Mike, and headed to the condo in Kihei to cook some dinner, and build my bike for the next day's ride on the practice

(the race course is closed until race day) Well...scratch that...my bike didn't arrive with me. AA informed me that it was somewher in Chicago, or LA, or...??? Freak much? Why yes, I think I did. How would I compete without my bike????????????? Arrrggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Luckily, the box did arrive much later that evening after a tour des Americas - when I opened the beaten case, I found a scratched and dented Hei Hei - complaints will be filed :(

I built it up, and got it running by the next AM - a little worse for wear, but fingers crossed.

We went to Makena to register, sat in on CJ and Brandon's swim clinic, then headed for a ride.

The practice course was in good shape, but rough as usual, and it was HOT - surprise...
Had a good ride, but could feel the sand and loose rocks washing out my rear on every corner. Then I hit the pavement, and almost lost it on a turn. It wasn't the loose rock or sand at all; I had gone totally flat. Sooo....off to the shop - my valve stem was busted, so I replaced it, and decided on new rubber just for good luck. Unforeseen expense.
Finished the morning with a quick leg of the swim course, and the traditional chat with the giant
sea turtles - so cool - so huge - wicked

The rest of the day was for chillin' and chattin and prepping for the race. Had a little dinner, and crashed hard again around 9:00 - wooo hooo - tearing it up!
Sat. I did another lap of the course with Mike and CJ, followed by a run of the Spooky forest, salt and pepper beach, and the lava rock leg with Mike. Back to the condo for final prep, rest and hydration - amazing how much you need to drink for a race like this - I still think it wasn't enough even with peeing every 10 mins., and more liquid than I could easily stomach. So hot...
PM race dinner was awesome as remembered - sat with a good group, watched the show, and ate great chow - yum. Xterra does a bang up job of the festivities...went to bed stoked for the next day.
Ok..enough of the pre-race preamble; onto the meat...
Race morning I woke up after a raging CTS attack and very restless race-jittery sleep. Time to rock - we ate, drank java, packed the van, and cranked the Kardinal Offishall all the way to Makena Beach...yesser!
Arrived early to set up the Transition, get body marked, pee 50 times, and have a good swim warm up before the blessing from Rev. Alalani Hill and her warriors.
Ok - enough - here we go - I was feeling pretty good - mellow - after the past month, I was set to just chill and get through the day. Definitely not at my best, but willing...
Gun goes off; I start to the right of the beach, fairly to the back as swim is my worst leg, and the water would be smoother over there. I was surprised to have a really comfortable 1st 750m! Mellow, smooth, not too many kicks to the head - great! Quick beach run - never too fast - and into the second lap; same thing - smooth, mellow, nice! Exited the water a little faster than last year - no great gains, but I felt good, so I was pleased.
Onto the bike, my goal was to chill. I remembed the heat of last year, and how the climbing REALLY gets to you after awhile, so I told myself to just spin mellow. I climbed alot more than last year; the heat was the same, but I felt calmer. Made up good time on the downhills - pretty sketch this year, with alot of wipe outs around, some blood was spilled by many, lots of flats and mechanicals, but I managed to avoid all carnage. I knew that I had to chill for the run ahead. Kowing I was so unprepared for this race kept me relaxed. I was carrying more weight on my body than I wanted to for this heat, so I just had to make do. Came into T2 at exactly the same time as last year, with 25% less effort! Sa-weet!
So onto the run, I was feeling good - at least until the Death March...this is where the trail goes UP with capitals, and the sun burns your skin like fire. Ahhhhhhhhhhhggghhhhh!!!!! My run turned to a pathetic attempt at the AR shuffle. Used every aid station to drench myself with ice water, and drink drink drink. After the biggest climb, I caught a second wind, pulled out my finger, and kicked into a higher gear. I had a great 2nd half, cruised down Cactus Alley, picked a great line across the heinous 1 mile white sand beach run, zipped through the Spooky Forest, and felt really strong across the Salt and Pepper beach, and over the lava rocks like a goat (sorta...). Had a strong finish, and felt really satisfied. No great gains, but a solid race for sure. Finished 9th, one up from last years 10th, and still feeling great about it!!
CJ put in an awesome show and turned a 4th in the Pro division - so great; she is at the doorstep and knocking hard!! Kudos... (read: sponsors, pay attention here - not to be missed!!)
Dave won his age catagory, and Mike had a fantastic 1st World's experience; sure to be back next year.
Post race, I quickly repacked my bike and gear, and headed to the airport again (after, of course, a little bubbly wine and a trip to Maui Tacos - a must do post race.)
Grabbed a 9pm flight to LA, then Houston, then home late last night. (missed a day - weird how time change works) My bike made it back OK, and I am now just trying to recover. How many ways can I spell exhausted??
So, now onto fall, winter, and planning for next year. It's gonna be big, I promise, so keep posted!! ;)
This year's Champion...need we say more?...

Some Fall home shots from last week...
