So yesterday, I had the crazy notion that the Marathon Champs. at Mansfield would be a great idea...well...live and learn. This one was a bust. Apparently I was not at all recovered from Sunday's race, and thought that 70K would be a fine distance with the way I was feeling...but oh so wrong. I started OK off the line, fought for the first 10K or so to get into the front, then at the 20K mark, my pack of riders were met by the race organizer to say we had gone off course. The trails were all jumbled up like intestines with markers in every direction and someone had gone into the forest that morning, or night before, and removed/changed a bunch of markers....Stop...wait...wonder how this happened. He decided to lead us back a few K to where he figured we went off. 15 mins. or so later, we were back on course. I was now cold, deflated, and had lost my fight - here's where lesson #1 comes in - don't let your mind pull you down...I settled in to a medium pace, but by now had lost my 'umph'. I rode a further 10K, and things started to get slower and slower, and my legs started to get a lot of new pains around the knees, and sharp twinges in my quads. My forearms were pooched. I got to the 40K mark, stopped for electrolytes, and tried to push off, but I had zero in my tank. Rode on to a familiar double track section, and knew I had to call it out, as there was still another 30K to go, and a lot of climbing. I was done. Lesson#2 - sometimes recovery really means recovery....we are not superhuman :(
Dunc had a great race to finish 2nd in the SS Cat. - nice work and $$ to boot!!

I guess in hind sight, the past week saw me putting in a really poor recovery effort.Not enough stretching, not enough easy spinning to blow out the gunk, definitely not enough re hydrating, and surely not enough sleep. It takes me longer these days to bounce back from big efforts, and I guess I didn't give the past Sunday's efforts enough respect in terms of their magnitude - we often wish we could do it all..but not so.
So, this week? Well, I will rest and play easy for awhile. The 8 Hr. is coming up in a couple weeks, so I want to be sure to be fresh for that. Also, it's time to turn the focus back to Maui, and the good ole' swim bike run cycle of things - time to hit the pool more, and the off-beaten path...
On the food front - the Real Food Cafe is almost finished and set to launch!! This week I will get the first orders together to stock the fridges, get the menu finalized (well, more finalized...), order the dry goods, and start training staff - yikes!!!!!! The next few months are going to have me going insane I am sure - up at 4:30, at work by 6:30, home by god knows when...*sigh* what's a girl to do?? I have no doubt it will be awesome though - one day at a time...
But here's something cool that may help in my recovery/focus/balance/power -
I had a little session with these babies before my run this past Friday. 
They are Shungite Rods, or healing rods, and they have the amazing ability to balance your energy, providing a really cool grounding and electrifying effect...from the inter webs - -
or Restoration of Energy
"Pharaoh cylinders are ideal for recharging or restoring harmony of body and soul. Bioenergetics practitioners regard the Pharaoh cylinders as two energetic poles: Yin on the left, and Yang on the right. Energy passes between these poles, purifying the organism and strengthening the aura (the body’s protective energy field). The cylinders interact with the body through its network of acupoints in the hands and fingers. Stimulation of these acupoints provides relief and healing to their corresponding internal organs"
As soon as I picked them up, I felt totally grounded through my heels. The hair on my arms stood up, and I could feel the current passing from left to right and back - wicked. Don't know how much they really did for me, but I had the best run I've had in a looooonnng time. I felt very focused, very strong, and clear. Too cool; sign me up. I thought these would be great for pre-race focus and post race recovery - can't wait to use them ongoing, and will keep ya posted as to how they work! (for all the energy geeks out there ;)
And just for fun, as I will have a little time on my hands this week - for the last time in god knows how long...a little baking :)
Gluten Free and Dairy Free Cranberry Walnut Bread
½ cup coconut flour
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
5 eggs
½ cup grapeseed oil
½ cup agave, or yacon syrup
1 tablespoon vanilla
1 cup cranberries, frozen
½ cup walnuts, chopped
orange zest (opt., but delicious…)
In a medium bowl combine coconut flour, salt and baking soda
In a large bowl blend eggs, grapeseed oil, agave and vanilla
Blend dry ingredients into wet, then fold in cranberries and walnuts
Pour batter into a greased loaf pan.
Bake at 350° for 50 minutes
Cool and serve
Wild Salmon with Black Garlic Vinaigrette
4 Wild Salmon Filets (or whatevah…)
1 bulb Black Garlic (6 pieces)
1/3 cup Olive Oil – or ½ and ½ with melted coconut oil
Juice of one Lemon
1tbs Tamari
1tsp Honey
Fresh Black Pepper
Chopped cilantro and sesame seeds for garnish
Preheat oven to 375°F
In blender, combine olive oil, black garlic, lemon juice, soy sauce, and honey until slightly puréed.
Line a 13x9 pan with aluminum foil. Place salmon filets in pan, lightly pepper.
Pour sauce over salmon filets.
Bake for 10-15 minutes (bake time can vary depending on thickness of salmon)
Sprinkle with cilantro and sesame.
Serves 4