Really???...I mean, seriously???
And now... onto the business of the day=
I spent the past weekend down in Richmond, Virginia for the Xterra East Cup Race, in the hopes of earning my slot to Maui and the World's this year. I had big doubts as to the probability of this, as Richmond is a big race, and a lot of toughies would come out to play. There are only 2 slots available for my group, so I figured it would take a lot of hard work to get this done. But, well, I got it done!...goes a little like this...
The Welcome Banner over the James River...

"yes indeed it was hot. Almost 100 at start - start moved up to 8AM thank gawd.
I had hydrated well, but was still leary of the heat, so made a point of getting the minerals and water in at a steady pace.Canon went off and we were into the water in 3 waves, all 2 mins. apart. The James River is really cloudy, shallow, fast flowing and full of big rocks, so the swim was often a blind scramble over things as much as a swim. Fought my way through though - not a stellar position, but the swim never is my shining moment. The swim exit had us run about 400m on pavement into T1, and I had thought of wearing shoes for this, but poo pooed it in the end, and just ran it in - good choice as I needed all the seconds I could get. Drinking all the while, I headed out on bike after a pretty quick, hot trans. Whew.
The bike was rockin'! I managed to get ahead fairly quickly and tried to keep my pace as relaxed as was allowed in a race, as I knew the heat was sucking me dry, and I needed to save a little for the heinous run ahead. Posted 3rd fasted bike, so good there.
Into T2, I took a little more time to hydrate and get ready to run. (1:18 I think?) Off on foot, the sun was frying me - (first puke happened here...ick) first 3 mi. were pretty flat and open, but the Riverwall stairs and Mayan Wall were to come -
may have overcooked a bit at the start, but when I hit the stairs, I really knew I was fading. Ouch up the stairs, across the wall to the mayan climb - frikin' huge rail steps, but short lived, so I got back on pace at the top. Into shady (thank god) singletrack for the rest mostly. Hit the open river rock scramble and made up some time on a couple. Run course...scramble section...

Up the ladder, (puke #2 - was hot...) and then onto the homestretch. I faded a bit and was passed by one woman here, but caught the heals of a rather handsome fellow who told me to watch his heals and hang on...who could I watched his and he pulled me home at a really good clip. Thank you!! Over the finish and straight in to the cooling tent to sit in a pool of water with a shower on me and ice packs galore - awesome set up - excellent race organization as always - love it.
Finished 2nd in my cat., 7th woman, and a spot to Maui - mahalo! Race expo across the river on Brown's Island...
