Here comes a fairly lengthy story of my journey to the Xterra World Championships in Maui, HI this past week (Oct. 20-29th, 2009).
Day 1 - Toronto to Maui - left home at 3:30 AM to catch a 6:45 flight to Dallas, then to Maui - REALLLLLLY long trip, but uneventful and smooth - I was very excited to get to the hotel and see huge banners welcoming the world of Xterra! Beautiful spot, beautiful beach, so we took a dip to shake off the travel blech - the water was about 82 deg. and the waves were pretty big which made for excellent body surfing. I did feel a little jelly fish on my arm, as to be expected anytime
I hop in the water, but only once and never again.

Early to bed, but too excited to sleep!
Day 2 Wed. - Got up early...4:30! Crazy time difference had me all messed up. Built the bikes, and all traveled well. Hit the beach to do a swim workout, followed by a run workout, followed by a ride on the practice course. There was no pre riding of the race course allowed, so this was designed to give us an idea of what we might expect on race day...they lied. The practice course was fine, but there was no climbing to speak of unlike the race course - maybe this was a good thing due to the way I was feeling in the heat! The swim was beautiful - ran into a sea turtle who zigged when I zagged, and freaked the bejeesus outta me! Very cool...
On the run, we hit the beach for sand practice, then climbed a very tall hill of loose lava rock to get a view of the area - breathtaking coastline - much as I would picture a true Land of the Lost.
The bike was just plain H.O.T. and I felt pretty weak - bike was acting up too so I hit the mechanic up for some help afterwards.
Road into town (Kihei) after to pick up groceries and grab lunch at the awesome Hawaiian Moon Natural Food store, then back to the room for early dinner and sleeeeeep.
Day 3 Thurs. - again up early - 4:40 getting better! Had another morning swim/run combo. Ran part of the run course backwards through the Spooky Forest to Big Beach, and then detoured to do some shoreline observing. We found a trail along the coast that lead to great lava cliffs with pools of aquamarine natural aquariums below - full of amazing corals and fishies - so wicked to look at, but I didn't have a camera :( At one point, we popped out onto a small beach, and as we ran along, realised it was a nude beach! Well populated with people wondering what the heck we were doing running there - I think Mike lead us there on purpose ;)
We ducked our heads, and ran back out and continued up the pother side of yesterday's very tall, really tall climb, then back down to our beach.
Saddled up for another bike and hit the course. This time I felt better, but man, it was still hot! Rode back to Hawaiian Moon for salad lunch, and then home to do laundry and chill.
My brother and sister in law flew in later that night, so I headed over to the Four Seasons to say a quick hello and have a bite in their very nice lounge!
Day 4 Fri. - Better sleep - again an early swim - turtles again! I sat in on Xterra University with Seth Wealing and Christine Jefferies about mastering the swim, and learned alot - gotta get some coaching...
Spent the rest of the day sunbathing, bike tweaking, clinics on the MTB with Shonny V and Josiah M....more chilling and then to Spago for dinner with Linc and Mel - so good! Early to bed zzzzzzzzz...this place wears me out!
Day 5 Sat. - pre race final touches...swimming in AM with lots of fish - big fish - eeek! On Mon. there had been a shark attack nearby, so I was constantly on high alert out there - I am a chicken!
The weather has been so hot, and getting increasingly so as the Trade winds have failed to appear, causing even the locals to complain about how hot it is - 87 and humid today...
Took a quick spin over to see Linc and Mel and enjoy their celebrity strew pool area - eye candy galore - and then back to the hotel for pre race meeting and dinner. They put on a great spread and treated us to Hawaiian blessings and good entertainment before we tucked in to dream of the big race...
Day 6 Race Day - Awoke early :% again, and nibbled on cereal, plus continued hydration ( I have drank enough to fill Lk Joe this week!) Set up the transition at 7:30, got body marked, and then dressed for the start. I headed to the beach for 8:15 to do a quick swim warm up, get the blessing from Rev. Alalani Hill, and then to line up with 550 or so of my Xterra family. I saw my brother at the last minute, so I ran over for a quick pre race hug, and then found a spot in the pack. The gun went off at 9:00 and mayhem in sued. First laps was absolute hell - more feet and arms than I have ever caught - I should have lined up waaayyy farther forward - after the first lap, there was a 200m beach run into the 2nd lap - here I had a bit more room, but was whipped from the first lap, so not alot was gained.
Not a great swim at all, but I tried to save my disappointment as I exited the water, and climbed the grassy hill to the transition zone.

Onto the bike, and the heat was already playing havoc with my mind. As I vaulted on, I almost veered right into the crowd, shocked a couple spectators, and pedaled away - whew!
My bike leg - 32K or so - was brutal!
was 20 mins. longer than predicted, and just could not get going - the heat had clobbered me, and even though I was hydrating really well, the sun and the constant climbing stripped me. Next year I will do ALOT more climbing in prep. The course is not technical apart from the masses of loose, jagged rocks and thorns, but it requires maximum fitness and heat adaption, and I had neither. Kicked my ass...

Onto the run, and I fared about the same - hot hot hot - I kept moving forward - at times so slowly I thought I was in reverse - often running in the sun, and then pausing to walk in the shade of each tiny tree...pouring tonnes of water and Gatorade (ick) into me and on me. The 1.6Km of deep beach run almost broke me - I could see the turn so far away, and was moving at a standstill in the blazing sun.
shed a quick tear, took a deep breath, and pressed on. Once off the beach, I caught a little second wind, and by the time we hit the lava rocks, I was ready to start passing people again - a little too late, but I did move up a bit. Wow...

At the finish, it took me awhile to speak, as Linc and Mel were congratulating me, I had to keep walking away to find shade and water. Linc helped me greatly by tossing ice cold wet towel over my shoulders - thank you!!! So good...

All in all, I was happy to finish 10th - I'll take it, and learn lots for next year's attack on Maui. I am so much stronger for this experience, and so ready to get started for next year - as much as I love to ski, I really just want to get back at training, and forgo winter all together.
Post race wind down ensued and Dunc and I shared bubbly wine, Longboard Lager, and a great post race luau. The Halloween party after was apparently a big fiesta, but when I went to the room to change into costume, I lay down, and passed out cold for 2.5 hrs. - woke up and the party was almost year, next year...
In the days after the race, I relaxed with beach and swimming, a little running, and a great trip out to Molokini Island to snorkel - so amazing the amount of different fish and coral there are!
The boat took us out past the nudie beach again a couple times, so I got to wave goodbye to my new naked friends...

On the last day, Dunc and I rented a truck to load all the gear and luggage into for a trip around Maui before getting to the airport.
checked out at 4 am and drove up Haleakala Volcano to catch the sunrise - with 200 other early risers, we witnessed the most
sunrise! Wow. The craters up there were so wild -

did a bunch of exploring, and lava-inukshuk building, and then drove all the way down again
Toured the west side, and the Iao Valley - definitely land of the lost, with guava, lots and lots of fresh guava falling off the trees - sweet!

To the airport for another long flight home from Maui to Honolulu, to Houston, to Toronto.
What a crazy ride!!! Can't wait 'till next year to do it all again.
A huge, huge, huge thank you to everyone who gave me support in my quest to get there and get through it - words cannot express my gratitude - Mahalo :)