Well Finally! I have graduated and become a full fledged RHN - with Award of Merit! - had a nice ceremony on Sunday at the Richmond Hill Sheraton, complete with lunch and much regalia...I will take up office with a ND in Bolton starting in December!!!! Weeeeeee!!!!! I am also starting my apprenticeship any day now - working on a Diabetes T2 project, and honing my skillz in Sports Nutrition - more to learn than we all think! (I think I really just want to stay in school for the rest of my life, but I'll save that thought for another day.)

I was at a seminar last week given by the Drs. from Duke University medical Centre - the same Dr. who studied Steve Prefontaine, The Blackhawks, world record marathoners...just to mention a few; the info. really gave me food for thought (pun intended) as there is soooo much we can do nutritionally to reach optimal performance and recovery - good news for me!

Here is a shot of Droo and the dogs on the TRCA trail with the swabs - not even close to being on the neighbour's land...I've got special names in mind for this tool...(the neighbour I mean..;)
Then to cap off the week, I went to a Spoon Bending class with Rocky- yup, used the power of my energy alone to twist these babies into art - really -

I was totally skeptical at the time, but then it just happened, and I couldn't stop - go figure...amazing what the mind can achieve when focused and ego takes a back seat...or something like that - hmmmm....
So next time I'm on the trail, I'll use this power to straighten a derailleur hangar, or true a wheel, or...
Anyhoo - next up, some beautiful weather for riding, a race or two, and some serious knuckling down on the career - front!