Just to recap from my last post of a month ago ( eek...), I didn't get to Provincials, as I knew I would never make it back on time. The funeral was absolutely beautiful - perfect - and I am so glad I chose not to rush this one!
I did make it up north on that weekend to play on the island, and to get my patooty whoped at Logs, Rocks and Steel. This was an awesome "adventure triathlon" of 16K technical trail run, into 14K paddle with 4 portages, into a 50K mountain bike through Haliburton's finest. Epic! I spent the Friday night at the Frost Centre (race head quarters) in one of the dorms. I had a huge room with 4 beds, so as the night closed in, and rain began to pour (go figure), I welcomed the addition of Leanimal and her sis Jill - they were going to camp, but the rain gave them second thoughts, so dry beds were offered up!

Morning came quickly, and off went the start gun. I had a great race - ran a solid run, paddled as hard as I could in a 50#, 12' kayak, and rode out what was left of my legs on the bike. Tried as I might, I could not best the mighty Leanimal, and settled happily for 2nd place! Great day in the woods - Leanimal was offered a spot to the World Multisport Championships in New Zealand in Feb., but she declined and passed it on to me. I also declined, as I will be totally broke, and need more white water experience, so it got passed on to Ursula, our 3rd place finisher - I think she might go! Great for her - she is one tough cookie, and an amazing runner!!
I got back to the island to chillax for Sunday and Monday - gorgeous weather and much sun to soak in. I headed home Tuesday AM, and Skye's leg did not seem to be very happy. The cast had been removed before the weekend, and she seemed to be getting better, but a couple scuffles with my mum's dogs left her limping badly again. We got to the marina, and she tried to jump onto the dock while I wasn't looking, missed the dock, and splashed into the water - AKKKK! When she got to shore, she looked very sore. I got home, and to the vet asap. More X ray showed very torn ligaments - surgery was scheduled for the next day. She was to have an external brace pinned on, but when the vet opened her leg, he found much worse damage than the x ray could show. She had shredded her ligaments, and detached her patella - so now she has a plate and 6 screws fusing her together.

She is in a cast for 3 weeks, then 5 weeks of rehab. She is resting now as much as possible, except for occasional forays onto the lawn to pee...she is pissed off.
I spent the week caring for her (watching TV) recovering myself, and getting ready for this past weekend's fun and games at the Muskoka 70.3 Ironman. I almost didn't get there, as I knew Skye needed maximum security type watch, but I called in some help from my pal Lauren, and felt confident she would be in good hands. I did have to scramble to get ready, as I needed to rack my bike and check in on the Saturday in Huntsville, then jet home to care for Skye through the night, then got up at 3:30 to drive back up to the race for an early start.
The race went well, though I was pretty tired to start. I had a decent swim, but I must work on speed before Maui. The bike was solid - very hilly and a little headwind put Jake the Snake and I to the test. Onto the run, I was pretty pooped, but kept an OK pace - faster than I thought, but not as fast as I would like. I had thought about pulling the plug after the bike, but was glad to continue, as DNF is never an option if I am still in one piece...I was so happy to get to the finish, and the medal is probably one of the coolest ever - Skye models it well as she rests with her big purple cast on...

This one is using the new Kodak cartoon feature...kinda fun!

Yesterday and today, I am chillin' and cooking - tended the garden when I got home, and the zucchini overload continues!!

Here are some pictures of the one that got away. I must have missed this fellow hiding in the leaves, and now I have a giant to contend with. The wine bottle is just for perspective...

I am thinking of stuffing him for Thursday night's Albion ride. I can drop it in the fire to cook - should feed 10 people happily. We are also planning on a big corn boil around the fire - come one, come all!
With all the others, I have made zucchini relish (10 500ml jars), zucchini cookies, muffins, bread, and a wicked chocolate zucchini cake. All the baking has been wheat free, using natural sweeteners, and good fats! Does it get any better? Do they ever stop growing??
I have a glut of green tomatoes as well, so I will be making Green Tomato Salsa any day now - before the frost hits! The celeriac will make a great soup for Thanksgiving, and the eggplant, well, I'll just eat them as they happen! The cabbage is turning to sauerkraut as we speak (lacto fermentation rocks!) and the jalapenos are almost ready to hit the aforementioned salsa. Love my garden!
Last night I went to see a really good movie - it was the Caledon Eat Local's presentation of 'Good Food' - all about the comeback of family farms in the Pacific Northwest. Organic and beautiful food being grown and bringing communities together, boosting local economy and sustainability. These farms are a model for how we should be getting our food in every community - pure, local, clean, friendly, happy food - so great! Check it out... http://www.goodfoodthemovie.org/
Now, back to pooch tending, stretching, muscle rolling, zucchini cooking, and all that life brings my way!