Well, i am totally bogged down in school work - and it looks as though i am running out of time. I am totally unprepared for the exam and could use another week to prep. - wondering when they will next offer the exam so I can be really ready?
This past weekend I headed to Ellicottville for Xterra M2 Xtreme - great race - tough - Holiday Valley ski hill... i camped over night at the top of the ski hills, right beside the swim-bike transition.

Talk about close to the action! Got up at 5:00 when the crew came to set up; had the breakfast of champions (steel cut oats and cinnamon);

got fluids ready for a 30 degree+ humid race (superjuice),

and off went the gun! I was really happy with my race, and ended up 1st woman overall, however, poor course marking sent half the field the wrong way on the run, so I declined my prize as I had not run the proper route. Who knows how many took the wrong cut, as they still have not posted the results. I was first out of the water after what felt like a tough swim of 1.5K, then managed to lead through the bike (30K and mucky!) by a few mins., onto the run and I felt great for a change! managed to run strong up all hills and even put a couple sprints in in the woods. Kind of an anti-climactic ending, but a good race for me, and good prep for Maui.
Back home, and I have thrown myself into the books and training for upcoming Provincials, Logs, Rocks and Steel, and the Muskoka Half Ironman - whew!