I had some great solo spins on the MTB - even dared check out Albion, and it seems in pretty good shape. Still so many ruts and more roots, but the re-routes are coming along nicely. I went up to the cottage on Thursday for some paddling, swimming, and pre rides of the Buckwallow Ocup course - awesome fast course! The race would have been fun, but I opted to save the $$ and played at home instead. While at the cottage, my brother and I did some much needed tree removal from this past winter's storms. I had a giant old pine tree come down exactly between my cabin and the outhouse - so lucky it hit neither, but it was a beautiful tree, and I am sad to see it go.

Of course my niece Eliza had to get in on the chainsaw action, and Skye too! Nice weekend - now to get set for this weekend's fun and games at the 8Hr. Hardwood race with the ladies - ready to kick arse!!!