More reasons to love Palgrave Singletrack...

After riding the trails on Tues. PM with the BMBC crew, I was excited to get back in there on foot to do some raspberry picking - there are soooo many right now! I gathered the pooches, and a big bucket, put on tall sox, tights, and running shoes (poison ivy protection...) and headed out the door for a nice long berry picking run. It didn't take long for Skye to figure out that she could suck the berries off the branches, so she got a belly full. Dunno what this will do to a little dog's tummy...I'm sure I'll find out ;) It also didn't take long to fill my 2L pail!

The black raspberries are far more abundant - I've either missed the red one's, or the birds got in first, either way, I was pretty stoked with the haul, and ran home to start baking!
I began with the tea cake from below, and was pretty happy with the results, though it is lacking something so I will continue development - I think I need to cut the spelt with Kamut or Amaranth, and maybe use maple instead of Sucanat...keep ya posted...

Next up was the Oatee Deelites - a recipe I am working on with Jack - they taste amazing, but miss the mark on the desired layers of crunchy oats - the oats are softened by the marshmallows, and they become chewy...the idea was to have a shortbread crust, with layers of 'just the crumble topping', plus chocolate chips, peanuts, marshmallows, and maple syrup...hmmm. But, I am deelited (!) that they still taste wicked even if they are well beyond what I should be eating these days.

Then I made some deelish banana berry muffins which were more up my alley, and some make-and-freeze raspberry pancake which will be excellent for breakfasts this week with more fresh berries :) Leslie and Valerie popped by on horseback almost in time for a nibble, but things were still in the oven, so I'll have to treat them next time!!

After all this baking I had to burn it off some how, so I joined the Belfountain Inn crew for a great ride in the Pines - totally enjoyed the new trail - and then to the pub for apres snax and a brew - Wellington Dark yum...
I tried to get this shot of Bartt heading down the stairs of the Inn, but my camera reflex is too slow or he was too fast, so I just got the edge of his butt as he zoomed off camera.

Now it's time to pack to head North to the island - I'm gonna tackle the Huntsville 70.3 course tomorrow, and then hit Porcupine Ridge for some trail on Sunday - hope the weather holds!!!
