Ice, ice, baby....

Well, it seems the ice still remains heavily on the trails around Caledon. As I headed out the door tonight for 17K of trail running, I was reminded, all too suddenly, to put on the Yak Trax. A quick flip onto me arse sent me back indoors to get the yaks, and then I was off an running. Skye joined me for the duration, as we tippy toed over many glare-ice patches - she is resting peacefully upside down as we speak, atop my pillows...hmmm...Great run all in all, and my last one before becoming sea-bound for 10 days. Tomorrow I head to Florida, then Mexico, then Costa Rica, then Panama, and finally home. I will fill my days with track running on the ship, kayaking, snorkelling, mountain biking, and of course, yoga, spinning, and the spa! Whew...this will be quite a trip! Just the pick me up I need before heading down to Boston to tackle a PB on the famed course...:) 

Bring on the Monkeeeeeeeeessss!!!!
