Finally...a graduation!...and some doe bent spoons

Well Finally! I have graduated and become a full fledged RHN - with Award of Merit! - had a nice ceremony on Sunday at the Richmond Hill Sheraton, complete with lunch and much regalia...I will take up office with a ND in Bolton starting in December!!!! Weeeeeee!!!!! I am also starting my apprenticeship any day now - working on a Diabetes T2 project, and honing my skillz in Sports Nutrition - more to learn than we all think! (I think I really just want to stay in school for the rest of my life, but I'll save that thought for another day.)
I was at a seminar last week given by the Drs. from Duke University medical Centre - the same Dr. who studied Steve Prefontaine, The Blackhawks, world record marathoners...just to mention a few; the info. really gave me food for thought (pun intended) as there is soooo much we can do nutritionally to reach optimal performance and recovery - good news for me!

Later in the week, I went for a hike behind my house in the Palgrave forest, only to find that a neighbour (you know the one...) with his hunting blinds set up on the property line into the conservation area, had also hung cotton swabs dipped in doe urine and pheromones on the trees along the trail - ON Conservation land!!! WTF???? I had to take pictures cuz I just don't believe that this guy should get away with this. Apparently one cannot hunt on land less than 20 acres in size in Caledon anyway, and he has maybe 10 (but I think 5 really) so who does he think he's fooling?? We have talked to the TRCA about him before, but now it's time to go straight to the MNR. More on this later...

Here is a shot of Droo and the dogs on the TRCA trail with the swabs - not even close to being on the neighbour's land...I've got special names in mind for this tool...(the neighbour I mean..;)

Then to cap off the week, I went to a Spoon Bending class with Rocky- yup, used the power of my energy alone to twist these babies into art - really -
I was totally skeptical at the time, but then it just happened, and I couldn't stop - go figure...amazing what the mind can achieve when focused and ego takes a back seat...or something like that - hmmmm....
So next time I'm on the trail, I'll use this power to straighten a derailleur hangar, or true a wheel, or...

Anyhoo - next up, some beautiful weather for riding, a race or two, and some serious knuckling down on the career - front!
